Mining-gold is a business, like any other, but differing from most in that the price of its product is fixed by law, inexorably. 金矿开采也是一项商业活动,只不过它与其他商业活动存在区别,即其产品实行法律强制规定的固定价格。
The ratios are, generally, fixed by law. 通常情况下,该比例将由法律强制规定。
The translator shall refrain from any unfair competition in carrying out his profession; in particular, he/ she shall strive for equitable remuneration and not accept any fee below that which may be fixed by law and regulations. 翻译工作者在职业活动中应该不作任何不诚实的竞争;翻译工作者不能接受低于法律专门决议、习惯或者他所在的职业团体明文规定的报酬。
Analysis of Depreciation of Fixed Assets Accounting and Tax Law Differences 固定资产折旧会计与税法差异的分析
Contrast Analysis of the Disposition of Fixed Assets in New Accounting Standards and Law of New Enterprise Income Tax 新会计准则与新《企业所得税法》关于固定资产处理的对比分析
And that is why this fixed law of diffusion applies. 这就是这个混合的扩散理论运用的原因。
However, in the changing process of good faith principle, the research tendency of simply seeing it as fixed form of moral in the law and alternative form is particularly noteworthy. 然而,在诚实信用原则的流变过程中,将其简单视为道德在法律中的固定化和另类表现形式的研究倾向特别值得注意。
No one will be "fixed" unless he "grossly violates the law". 不到某人“严重违法乱纪”是不会受“整”的。
The ethics of his decision are doubtful. The proportion between the values of gold and silver money was not fixed by any public law or proclamation. 他的这一决定是否合乎道德规范值得怀疑.金币和银币价值的比例,不由法律或公告规定。
How To Distinguish Floating Charge From Fixed Charge In English Case Law 谈英国判例法对浮动担保与固定担保的识别
In Paris, only agents de change could receive a commission, at a rate fixed by law, for acting as an intermediary. 在巴黎,只有经纪人可以通过中介活动收取法定比例的佣金。
For every public use of his/ her translation the translator shall be entitled to remuneration at a rate fixed by contract or law. 翻译工作者对公开使用其译文有权获得法律或合同规定的报酬。
The framework for electing the chief executive and the legislature that I have described has been firmly fixed in the basic law. 我刚才所说的推选行政长官和立法机关的架构,《基本法》中已有明确规定。
But from the view of fixed meaning of identity, identity in Criminal Law is not only an identity of special principal part of a crime, but also includes the identity of offense target, the target's owner, controller and manager. 但是,从身份的固有含义看,刑法上的身份,不应仅仅是指犯罪特殊主体的身份,还应包括犯罪对象的身份,犯罪对象物所有者、支配者或管理者的身份。
The national debt issue scale is growing gradually, but not marketization, few sorts, no fixed rhythm, no unified interest rate and law building after issue. 我国国债发行规模逐步增大,但并没有完全市场化,品种单一,节奏不定,利率不统一,法律建设滞后。
It emphasize that national oil stockpiling should be defined appropriately, distributed reasonably and fixed in form of law so as to be executed and supervised easily. 强调国家的石油储备一定要确定得适度、分摊得合理,并用法规的形式固定下来以利实施与监督;
Based on the data of observation in fixed location, the pilot study on the law of soil moisture variation in different cropping patterns on dryland in hilly area of Central Sichuan has been done. 利用定位观测数据,对四川中部丘陵地区不同种植模式下旱地土壤水分变化规律进行了初步研究。
A small fixed compression dictionary was built according to statistical law to speed up fractal image compression coding. 根据统计规律建立一个小型固定字典,用以加速分形图像的压缩编码;
As a type of infringment of property rights, the Crime Of Breach Trust is fixed in the Criminal Law in many countries. 背信罪是为许多国家刑事立法所规定的一种财产犯罪形式。
Seen from Institutional Economics, regional finance difference is determined by such institution environment as the fixed economic regime, law and provision, etc. 从制度经济学角度来看,区域金融生态差异是由既定的经济体制、法律法规等制度环境决定的。
The testing results show that the porosity of sandstone decreases with increasing effective stress at the fixed temperature level, following the law of negative exponent. 试验结果表明,有效应力对砂岩孔隙度的影响较大,在温度一定的情况下,砂岩的孔隙度随有效应力的增加而呈负指数规律减小;
However, some new problems, which made it difficult to exert the functions arise in the course of practicing it for the reason that its law orientation is not fixed and the law provision for it are not perfect. 但在实施过程中又产生了新的问题,这主要是由于我国法律对代位执行的法律定位不准,法律规定不健全,保障不力,导致代位执行难以发挥应有的作用。
In addition, utilizing real-time measured state space matrices, one horizon free control is designed instead of former fixed state feedback control law, which can also enlarge the region of stable initial conditions and commonly reduce the performance objective. 另外利用系统状态矩阵实时可测的特点,设计一步直接控制代替以前固定的反馈控制器,该方法不仅能有效扩大可控初始状态集,而且在一定程度上降低了系统的性能指标。
It just set to extract particular proportion from the profit, but not a definite number of proportion. Even though the confirmation and measurement in abroad is according to the fixed formula in law or provision, its rationality still needs to be proved. 尽管国外对于巨灾准备的确认与计量一般都是根据法律或法规中的规定公式来进行,但是巨灾准备金提取是否合理也需要进一步的确认,没有一个计算方法或者公式适合所有情况。
It is a pity that the question of bona fide acquisition of stolen goods is not fixed in property law, which means property law denies the use of bona fide acquisition of stolen goods. 遗憾的是我国《物权法》对赃物的善意取得问题没有做出规定,即采用了赃物善意取得的否定说。
In other words, the parties have the right to establish freely the legal relationship between them beyond the fixed mode provided by law. It is a full expression of autonomy, and its legitimacy should be recognized by law. 也就是说,当事人有权摆脱法律所提供的固定模式而自由的建立相互之间的法律关系,是意思自治的充分体现,法律应当承认其合法地位。
Also, the design of state feedback controllers with memory is established. Secondly, exponential stability of switched neutral delay systems with fixed switching law is addressed. 第二,研究了一类固定切换律的切换中立型系统的指数稳定性问题。
Third, speaking from the main body of the exercise, specifically his duties by the department, from a fixed staff, law enforcement officers have a unified standard of clothing. 三是从行使的主体上讲,是由专司其职的部门进行,由固定的人员组成,执法人员有统一标准的服装。
Through designing management mechanism, responsibilities and process of fixed assets in university, to make informatization integrated management of fixed assets in university follow the law and keep the track. 通过对高校固定资产管理机制、职责及流程的设计,从而使高校固定资产信息化集成管理工作做到有法可依、有章可循,进一步加强高效固定资产管理。
Good faith acquisition is fixed in most countries 'civil law, but just limit in movables not suitable for immovables. 现在已为世界上大多数国家的民法所确定,但一般都是仅限于动产,对不动产不适用善意取得。